[email protected] | 803-374-7474
A versatile and hardworking member of the company team, Marshall Whitesides started with Tarheel Contractors Supply part time in 2008 during high school summer breaks. He transitioned to sales after he graduated Clemson University in 2014. Besides selling, Marshall assists other team members, prepares quotes, orders and delivers material, schedules trips and provides field support. Energetic and never idle, Marshall is always available to answer customer questions, helping them find and use the right product for the job. You can also find him juggling phone calls, processing shipments, loading orders, or answering phone calls on his lunch hour. And when he’s not juggling, he’s always looking for something to fix or improve. Customers and co-workers appreciate Marshall’s honest, positive attitude and willingness to go the extra mile.
In his free time, Marshall enjoys hunting, fishing and working on projects around the house.