HERCUL-EZ is a proprietary additive that is used in conjunction with bentonite based drilling muds. With proper formulation, the system will produce a unique drilling fluid with excellent shear thinning characteristics. At low shear or at rest, the fluid will gel and allow for suspension of large cuttings, yet thins immediately under pumping conditions. At…

  • Extreme solids suspension capable of supporting and moving sand, gravel, and cobbles
  • Helps prevent formation bridging and blockage due to settling of drill-cuttings
  • Lower pump pressures can reduce the likelihood of frac-outs
  • Unique filter cake means that fluid is contained in borehole, even when drilling through gravel and cobbles
  • Ideal for use with recycling systems as it will not blind screens
  • Flow profile is plug-like for more complete borehole sweeping. Thinning only occurs at the borehole walls and drill-stem